Sunday, August 25

Too Cute!

Me and my not giving you guys freebies but I couldn't resist blogging something so cute! If any of you are familiar with The Arcade then you've probably seen the teacup pigs. Well I'm here to tell you their lovely creator Anya Ohami has more adorable things for sale! 

Otters for All!

So you can find this cute little guy (Or girl) at Anya's store !Ohmai for L$200 in many different colors! Besides picking him up you can also use him as decoration right next to your huge, unhealthy collection of teacup pigs.....Just me? Okay never mind... 

What else do I have on?

Dress- [ AMERICAN BAZAAR ] Ruffle Dress
Glasses- ArisAris & Armony Glasses colors and flowers
Hair- ::Exile:: Sparkle and Fade